Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Liam would like to ask everyone a question:

You have to say yes now! How can you refuse that face?

I promise, as pitiful sad as he looks in this, he's upset over animal crackers, not that nobody loves him. This child gets more love then he knows what to do with!

I had an appt today (2/14) for Ms. Molly. Everything is look fabulous! She's measuring right where she should, her heart rate is perfect (although she's very much like her big brother and kept kicking off the doppler to get away) and as of this moment, my midwife thinks she's going to be a little smaller then Liam, which will *hopefully* aid in my VBAC attempt. 

Here's our 23 week picture!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Doctors visits part 5

Yes really. Part 5.

Less then a week after getting strep, we noticed that Liam had developed a bad sounding cough and was breathing a little more labored then usual. We chalked it up to the fact that a lot of people end up with cold-like symptoms following a bout of strep and decided to just keep an eye on it. A few days later, it had seemed like the cough was lessening, but after running around outside with daddy for only a few minutes, he was really struggling to breathe and had started wheezing. I immediately called his doctor and we took him in. His doctor checked him out, listened to him breath and ordered a few tests. They took his pulse ox and he was running around a 94. They swabbed him for RSV and then gave him a breathing treatment. Let me tell you, that was one of the most difficult things I've had to do. He hated the mask. He screamed and kicked and fought us with all his might. Thankfully the treatment worked and he went up to a 98. His test came back positive, so now, less then a week after having been diagnosed with strep throat, he has RSV.

After a few days of breathing treatments at home every 4-12 hrs, he's doing much much better! He's now back to himself and can run around like crazy and no longer be panting after. I'm so thankful that while his case wasn't mild (since he needed the treatments, not every child does), it wasn't severe enough to need hospitalization, like a few friends of ours. Now, over a week later, he's very much on the mend!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Doctors visits part 4

I was hoping to NOT have a "Part 4" but then Liam started running a high fever that wouldn't really come down with motrin or tylenol and he was completely miserable. Turns out my poor little one had strep throat! I have no idea how he contracted it, but we quickly got him on antibiotics to help fight it. After about 2.5 days, he's finally starting to act like himself again. Which is good, because I missed my happy boy!