Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 67 (3/8/11)

Sometimes, as a parent, you need to catch those funny, awkward moments on camera, just so you can humiliate tease your children once they are older. Thats the case with today's picture:

Mid-yawn. Or roar. Your choice.

One another note, Fuzz Face came by for a visit today! The two of them had a blast rolling around and playing together on the floor!

Day 66 3/7/11)

One of Liam's favorite things to do is lunge himself towards whatever he's not supposed to have. Like remotes, cell phones, etc. After weeks of distraction and hiding, I remembered that I had an old cell phone sitting on our dresser. I took it out, cleaned it, and Li has completely claimed it as his own. Since he got my old one, he's left our phones alone, now remotes on the other hand....

MY cell phone!

Day 65 (3/6/11)

As Liam goes into the world of solid food, we're combining two approaches. He's getting standard purees, the kind you eat off a spoon, and he's getting sticks of food so he can feed himself. The first style is extremely common, almost everyone on the street feeds their child in this manner. The second, not so much. Its known in the babyworld as Baby Led Weaning or BLW. Basically the child is given stalks of solid food (soft foods obviously like banana, avocado or steamed sweet potato) and they control how much they eat. Its very "hands on" (see what I did there) and very messy, but it allows the child to explore their food. Feel the texture, squish it in their fingers, play with it, all sorts of fun things. For more info on BLW, check out the link above.

You want me to do what with this stuff?

Oh, I'm supposed to eat it!

Day 64 (3/5/11)

I love my kid. He is the happiest baby I've ever met. He can always make me smile. He can always make me laugh. He is the best thing in my life and I'm so happy that I can share him with everyone!

Who doesn't love this face?

Day 63 (3/4/11)

We had a movie night with some awesome friends tonight! Everyone was already there when Liam and I got home, so he was a little overwhelmed at first, but he quickly warmed up to everyone. One of our friends, Ms. T, is a photographer and was taking some fun shots of Li rolling around and playing with everyone, so when she was playing with him, I took their picture!

I think someone's in love!

Day 62 (3/3/11)

As mentioned previously, Liam is suffering from a double ear infection. We tried several ways to get him to take his medicine, yet every way ended in an upset Bubba and frustrated parents. It finally dawned on us that he likes to be in "control." We let him hold the dispenser, and while he's sucking on it, we administer tiny squirts of meds. It works so well that he ends up sucking down the whole thing and gets upset when we take it away!

This is how Superman takes his medicine. Like a champ!

Day 61 (3/2/11)

Some days, you just need to sit on your Daddy's lap, wearing St Patrick's Day legwarmers, and chew on a wooden car that your Grandpa Fuzz Face made you. Today was a manly day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 60 (3/1/11)

Liam went t o his first hockey game tonight! My aunt gave Fuzz Face and I a pair of tickets to go see the Washington Capitals play beat the New York Islanders. It was a fantastic game, Liam was awake almost the whole time and even though he was exhausted, he was in a fabulous mood. When he finally fell asleep, there were 2 mins to go in the game. Caps scored 1 min later and woke him up. He fell back asleep and shockingly enough STAYED asleep when the Caps won in overtime 2 mins later! And he stayed asleep through all the fans, including hiss mother, screaming and cheering around him. Poor baby didn't wake up until we got back home! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to go to a game with M in tow!

Not a great picture, but Li and I at the game!

Day 59 (2/28/11)

Happy Birthday to Liam's Uncle Matt!

Today wasnt such a great day for Liam. We tried taking a few pictures for a get well gift for a friend of ours and it didnt turn out so well. He was tired and fussy and kept trying to eat the paper. I finally outsmarted him by laying him on top of the paper, but by that time, he was too mad.

The end result.

Day 58 (2/27/11)

As mentioned a few days ago, Liam has a nasty diaper rash. Its because of my taking antibiotics due to the bronchitis I randomly contracted. One of the best ways to get rid of a diaper rash is to air the area out, so Li has been getting lots of nakey butt time! After a few days it improved greatly, although we're still fighting it.

Getting ready for nakey time!

Day 57 (2/26/11)

Believe it or not, but this is the face of a child with not one, but two ear infections AND a nasty diaper rash. He's such a trooper!

Day 56 (2/25/11)

Liam isnt crawling yet but he sure is trying hard! Every day he practices more and more. He's discovered how to scoot backwards, and its been fun to watch as he discovers how to do things!

Happy 28 weeks baby boy!

Day 55 (2/24/11)

Ever since Liam was about a month old, we stopped giving him baths. We never bought a baby bathtub and just bathed him in the kitchen sink. Well, if you've met my child, you'll know that he's no delicate flower and quickly outgrew the sink. We moved on to just taking him into the shower with us. It works out perfectly, either M or I go in and get the water right and his washcloth set, then the dry parent passes the monster to the wet parent and the washing commences. We've found it to be really quick and easy, plus Liam loves playing in the water and being so close to us!

Chubby boy!


Day 54 (2/23/11)

Liam was born with very little hair. Other then his rat tail, he was pretty much bald. I mean, he was fuzzy headed, but essentially bald. Over time, his hair started filing in and once it was long enough, I started putting it into mohawks whenever I could! One of the perks of his hair finally growing, is the awesome bed head we get to witness every time he wakes up. Its pretty sweet, you should check it out!

Day 53 (2/22/11)

My poor boys are still recovering from the weekend. They looked so cute sleeping next to each other, I couldn't resist taking a picture!

Day 52 (2/21/11)

Today was President's Day and Liam and I spent the day at Grandma's house, watching his cousins A and C! It was a handful, but a lot of fun. M's sister's were around, so I got to spend the day with some adult conversation, which was nice. Poor Li was so tired from our busy weekend and then spending the day with his cousins, that he fell asleep before we even left her house to go home!

Day 51 (2/20/11)

Even though we're still at the sci-fi convention, I had a gtg with a friend of mine that I met when I was pregnant with Li. Her daughter, Baby M, is a few days younger then Liam and completely adorable! Her cheeks are to DIE for and you just want to squeeze her when you see her! 

This was the first time Li and Baby M met, and as they were sizing each other up, Liam spotted her socks. Now, my kid has always loved chewing on his socks. Loves it. Every diaper change, his feet are in his mouth and his socks are soaked as a result. 

Poor Baby M's socks never had a chance. Once Liam started on her feet, both her socks were off and in his mouth. Then he went for her toes. Thats where she drew the line. After we stopped the apparent cannibalism, we tried to get some cute shots of the kids but Baby M was over being eaten and Liam was hungry, so it didn't quite work how we wanted it to!

Back to the convention. M and I were helping out Tahmoh Penniket, from Battlestar Galactica and Dollhouse. He's a very nice gentleman who was very focused on his career and spent the majority of the weekend learning lines for upcoming auditions. The four of us before we took him back to the airport!