Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 50 (2/19/11)

Every February, M and I work at a SciFi convention local to our area. The past few years we've been working with the guest stars (ie- famous (ish) actors). Last year I worked with Felicia Day and M worked with Sam Witwer. This year, since we had Liam, we both worked with Tahmoh Penikett (his picture will be in Day 51). M did most of the work, Li and I mainly hung out and helped get drinks and watch the tables when Tahmoh or the other guests had to go do an interview or what have you.

One of the other guests was Laurie Holden (Andrea from The Walking Dead) and she was head over heels in love with Liam. As soon as she saw him, she asked if she could take pictures, literally right after she had checked in with the hotel! Pretty much anytime she could, she was holding and loving up on Liam, and of course my little man ate it up! Who wouldn't want a pretty blonde fawning all over you? Laurie was so in love with him that she sent Frank Darabont (Oscar winning Director) a picture of him, just to show Li off!

Laurie wants us to stay in touch, just so she can see Liam as he grows up. We exchanged emails and I hope that we can get the chance to go down to GA and visit her on the set of TWD. Hey, maybe she can get Liam a walk-on role as an undead baby! We'll see!

Laurie and Liam

Day 49 (2/18/11)

Holy beautiful day Batman! Not only did Liam turn 27 weeks old today, but he went to the park for the first time! He wasn't super keen on the swings, he had fun, but it was more of a reserved type of fun. He loves being outside! He laughs every time the breeze hits his face, I love watching him smile!
Taking it all in with Daddy!

Playing on the swings!

Horseback riding with Momma!

Day 48 (2/17/11)

Not every day can be a good day.

Day 47 (2/16/11)

As many of you know, M has a thing for Superheros. Superman specifically. When Liam was born, he told him "Superman is better then Batman." Well it looks like Li go the message:

On the hunt...

Poor Superman never had a chance!

Day 46 (2/15/11)

My father ended up getting new tires for my Jeep, so Liam and I went over to switch them out because I needed new tires BADLY! I was hoping Li would be awake so he and FuzzFace would have some time to play together, but alas. He slept through the entire thing. There's always next time!

Can you spot the baby in this picture?

Day 45 (2/14/11)

Happy Valentine's Day! As our super special Valentine's gift to Liam, we took him to the pediatrician for his 6m well baby visit. Thats right, shots! Our little monster is now weighing in at 21.9lbs and is 27in tall (although I feel that he's taller then that).

He's also starting to become much more mobile! He's not crawling yet, but he's rolling like crazy! He can get on his hands and knees and he also does a mean downward facing dog. I think we may have a future yogi on our hands!

Day 44 (2/13/11)

Liam is 6 months old today!!!

Day 43 (2/12/11)

Tomorrow is my little baby boy's half birthday! He will be 6 months old! In order to celebrate, we set out to make some vegan cupcakes, however we quickly figured out that we didn't have some necessary ingredients. After a quick walk over to the grocery store, we got back on track and made some super yummy cupcakes!

Enjoying the frozen banana!

On our way to Giant

Finished cupcakes!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 42 (2/11/11)

Liam and I were trying to take a picture of us with the letter L as part of a care package for a friend of ours. It didnt go so well. We eventually got a good picture, but he kept trying to eat the paper!

Happy 26 weeks Liam!

Day 41 (2/10/11)

One of my favorite things to do is play aroundwith my little love! There is nothing better then sitting down with him and tickling/ laughing/ singing/ dancing and watching all the funny faces he makes!

Day 40 (2/9/11)

Today was another lazy day. We played around with Daddy, got silly, and managed to get a picture of Liam's second tooth!

Someone's got 2 teefies!

Silly boy!

Day 39 (2/8/11)

FuzzFace made Liam a new toy! He used wood leftover from Li's crib along with castoffs from PRS Guitars to make one awesome car! He hasnt figured out yet that it rolls, but it makes a great toy to chew on for now!

Day 38 (2/7/11)

Today was a quiet day around here, Liam and I stayed in from the cold and just played and cuddled!

Day 37 (2/6/11)

Today was the Superbowl, but more importantly, it was a Washington Capitals vs Pittsburg Penguins game! Around this house, we are hardcore Caps fans! Even though I had to work during the majority of the game, Li and I still supported our team!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36 (2/5/11)

We got a new Click a Doo cloth diaper from a friend of ours and I think Liam approves! I can't wait to get more, I really like how it fit and it held in everything it was supposed to, not to mention how stylish it is!

Day 35 (2/4/11)

Today we had our first "playdate" with Baby T! M and I met up with her parents and did a little shopping. Well Momma T did shoppong, Liam and I helped pick out some cute, girly clothing! It was so cute to watch the two of them together, Baby T would go from super happy to pouting and back to super happy while Liam just stared, smiling at her!

Happy Daddies!

Pretty Mommies!

Happy 25 weeks Liam!

Day 34 (2/3/11)

This is what a sleeping baby is supposed to look like, unlike the other day :)

Day 33 (2/2/11)

One of Li's favorite toys is a stuffed rabbit puppet that my Uncle Stu brought with him when he came for a visit in November. Its not a toy that stays out all the time, because I want it to stay relatively nice so he can enjoy it whens he's a bit older, but when he sees it, he goes CRAZY!! Its so cute to watch his face light up!

We woke up this morning to a second tooth!! Pictures to follow on another day!

Day 32 (2/1/11)

Today was a FuzzFace day and M got this special moment on camera for me! I think Liam is his Grandfather's biggest fan, its so cute to watch them together!

Li's seat had been sitting in our living room until we installed it. I was looking at it and decided to try it out myself. Turns out that not only do my hips fit in it fairly easily, but it is super comfy too! Thanks again to M for the shot!

Day 31 (1/31/11)

We had a bit of a rough morning today. Poor baby Li is teething hardcore, nothing would make him happy except leaning back on me and snuggling. He looked so miserable that I had to be that parent and take a picture of my unhappy babe.

Mommy it hurts!

This was the look I got after he realized I had taken his photo.

After a bit of tylenol and a looooong nap, I got my happy baby back! And our carseat of delivered too! No more shuttling around our giant boy in a tiny seat! Hooray!

Looks like he likes it!

Day 30 (1/30/11)

Sometimes Liam goes into his crib asleep, sometimes pretty drowsy, and sometimes so tired that he's wide awake. It varies day to day, but this is what we found half an hour after we put him down: